America’s New Business Plan
"If we want America to continue to be a force of innovation on the increasingly competitive global stage, we must unlock the brilliance of our entire nation. An increase in competition abroad, coupled with rapid technological advancements and a changing economy, affirms the importance of innovation, entrepreneurship, a dynamic workforce, and reimagined schools."
The Geography of AI: Which Cities Will Drive The Artificial Intelligence Revolution?
"This analysis examines the extent, location, and concentration of AI technology creation and business activity in U.S. metropolitan areas."
NVCA 2021 Yearbook
"California, Massachusetts, and New York continue to dominate the VC investment scene, but meaningful investment activity is also occurring outside of these traditional geographical hubs. Washington, Texas, North Carolina, Michigan, Colorado, Illinois, and Pennsylvania all saw robust activity in 2020."
Brookings Institution: The Case for Growth Centers: How to spread tech innovation across America
“Based on 'winner-take-most' network economies, the innovation sector has generated significant technology gains and wealth but has also helped spawn a growing gap between the nation’s dynamic ‘superstar’ metropolitan areas and most everywhere else.”
Kauffman Foundation: The Importance of Young Firms for Economic Growth
“Companies less than one-year-old have created an average of 1.5 million jobs per year over the past three decades.”
Review of Economics and Statistics: Who Creates Jobs? Small vs. Large vs. Young
“Our findings emphasize the critical role startups play in U.S. employment growth dynamics.”
The Multiplier Effect of Innovation Jobs
“The almost magical economics of job creation are that for each new high-tech job in a city, five additional jobs are ultimately created outside of the high-tech sector in that city.”